• Dnepr
    Shevchenko st., 36a
Mon-Sat 09:00 - 20:00
Sun 09:00 - 16:00

Bocheva Natalia Vladimirovna

15 лет
Job title
Dentist, surgeon, therapist, orthopedist
Biography of a doctor

Work experience: 15 years


  • 1999-2004 – graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy | Specialty "Therapeutic Dentistry".
  • 2005-2007 – Ukrainian State Chemical-Technological University | Specialty "Enterprise Economics".

Additional education:

  • 2023 – "Restoration of destroyed teeth" S. Martynovich.
  • 2023 – "Reconstruction of soft tissues on teeth and implants", Otto Zuhr, R. Gudyma.
  • 2023 – Scientific and practical conference "Topical issues and interdisciplinary approach in modern dental practice", GGMU.
  • 2022 – "Successful start in dental implantation", master class E. Nezhintsev.
  • 2022 – "PROveneers", V. Prokopovich.
  • 2022 – “Multidisciplinary approach to diagnostics and treatment of dental diseases”, NGO “Association of Dentists of Ukraine”, “MedExpert”.
  • 2021 – Specialization “Therapeutic dentistry”.
  • 2021 – “Bone tissue reduction during total implantation: pros and cons”, V. Sobolevsky, “Dental Expert”.
  • 2021 – “Total prosthetics: all-in-6, all-in-4”, V. Sobolevsky, “Dental Expert”.
  • 2020 – “Primary endodontics. Modern treatment protocols”, I. Noenko.
  • 2019 – “Orthopedic dentistry: metal-ceramics, metal-free ceramics, veneers, inlays”, “Fenestra”.
  • 2019 – “Correct preparation”, “DentLine”.
  • 2018 – “Full ceramic restorations”, Y. Gundyak, “Maximus”.
  • 2016 – “Ceramic Veneers from A to Z”, I. Dimitrov, “FSCh”.
Doctor's articles
Bocheva Natalia Vladimirovna
How to Choose a Safe and Effective Toothpaste: A Complete Guide
Are you trying to choose the right toothpaste? What are your main criteria: brand...
Bocheva Natalia Vladimirovna
Sucking is a natural reflex that forms in a child even before birth. It plays a crucial role in a baby’s development and helps them soothe...