• Dnepr
    Shevchenko st., 36a
Mon-Sat 09:00 - 20:00
Sun 09:00 - 16:00

Mastilenko Roman Romanovich

10 years
Job title
Dentist, orthopedist, surgeon
Biography of a doctor

Work experience: 12 years

Work experience:

  • 2012-2013 – assistant dental technician outside of school hours.
  • 2013-2015 – dental technician in a private dental laboratory
  • 2015 - present – ​​orthopedic dentist, surgeon


2020 – Zaporizhzhya Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education "Department of Dentistry"

Doctor's cases
Doctor's articles
Mastilenko Roman Romanovich
В настоящее время для лечения зубов существует ряд инновационных методик. Однако даже их использование не всегда позволяет спасти крайне запущенный зуб....
Mastilenko Roman Romanovich
Поговорив со стоматологом, понимаешь, что горе бывает не только от ума, но и от мудрости. Точнее, от зубов мудрости, или так называемых...
Mastilenko Roman Romanovich
What Are Aligners and How Do They Work: A Complete Guide
Aligners are transparent trays used to correct misaligned teeth within the dental arch. They are...
Mastilenko Roman Romanovich
In this article, we’ll discuss the topic of tooth extraction. We’ll cover what constitutes a simple versus a complex extraction, how long the...
Mastilenko Roman Romanovich
"Off to the CT scan!"
...you hear from the doctor, and you head towards the office behind the massive door. Just a few moments later, the doctor...
Mastilenko Roman Romanovich
Sedation in dentistry is a straightforward procedure used by medical professionals for potentially lengthy and painful operations. By using sedative...
Mastilenko Roman Romanovich
Dentists identify two main approaches to tooth restoration: direct and indirect. The indirect method involves creating an artificial dental prosthesis,...