• Dnepr
    Shevchenko st., 36a
Mon-Sat 09:00 - 20:00
Sun 09:00 - 16:00

PRF technology in dentistry


🧩🩸Application of PRF in Dentistry: PRF, which stands for "Platelet-Rich Fibrin," is a cutting-edge technology that plays a crucial role in dental healing.

💫Using special vacuum tubes and a centrifuge, we can isolate plasma from the blood with a high concentration of stem cells and growth factors. These elements are essential for healing in the following dental procedures:

  • Severe periodontitis treatment
  • Tooth mobility issues
  • Alveolitis treatment
  • Peri-implantitis treatment
  • Enhancing healing in tooth extraction sockets
  • Improving implant integration during dental implantation
  • Bone grafting procedures
  • Sinus lift surgery
  • Osteosynthesis surgery

🧬The PRF complex is hypoallergenic, minimally invasive, and its effectiveness in reducing recovery time has been clinically proven.

✅ Since PRF/PRP is derived exclusively from the patient's own blood, there are no risks of adverse reactions, allergies to foreign bodies, or infections from substandard materials. ✅

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Shevchenko st., 36a
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