Library Categories Dental implantation "Turnkey"Dental prostheticsCeramic and composite veneersBite correction, bracesPrevention and teeth whiteningWisdom tooth removalDentistryDental treatment in sleepAuthor Gutnik Oleg AlexandrovichTomenko Viktor LeonidovichMastilenko Roman RomanovichPoshivaylo Vladimir VladimirovichBocheva Natalia VladimirovnaKolesnik Ivan AnatolievichMartynyuk Irina VasilievnaShcherbakov Kirill IgorevichGuryk Yuri YurievichSerebro Ekaterina Yuryevna Author: Mastilenko Roman Romanovich 3D dental examination: a treasure trove for dental diagnostics "Off to the CT scan!" hear from the doctor, and you head towards the office behind the massive door. Just a few moments later, the doctor... Read more #Dental prosthetics #Dentistry Author: Tomenko Viktor Leonidovich 8 questions of an orthodontist, or everything you wanted to know about modern de... Restoration of Lost Teeth: Key Aspects and Modern Methods Dental prosthetics is a crucial process in dentistry, aimed at restoring lost teeth. The primary... Read more #Dental prosthetics Author: Serebro Ekaterina Yuryevna Does it hurt to brush your teeth? This question concerns the majority of patients. Let’s break down what a dental cleaning entails and what sensations may accompany the... Read more #Prevention and teeth whitening #Dentistry 1 2 ... 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ... 18 19