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Acute toothache - what to relieve?

Tooth pain can strike at the most unexpected times—during a vacation, a business trip, or in the middle of the night, when finding dental help is extremely difficult.

This pain is one of the most unpleasant and torturous experiences, distracting you from any, even the most important and interesting tasks.

You might have questions such as:

  • When will this end?
  • What happened to the tooth or gums?
  • What should you do if you can’t get to a dentist?
  • Should you see a dentist if the pain is temporary?
  • How can you relieve the pain on your own?

This article will provide answers to all your questions.

Before providing first aid to yourself or others, it’s important to determine the possible cause of the pain. Without specialized equipment, this can be difficult, so it’s recommended to see a dentist for acute pain.

If that’s not possible, consider possible causes and symptoms. It’s crucial to identify the root cause of the pain.

Tooth pain doesn’t occur without a reason. It always indicates some pathological process in the mouth. Pain arises when a nerve is affected, which can happen due to inflammation, infection, or tooth decay.

Possible causes include:

  • Cavities
  • Pulpitis
  • Abscess
  • Increased tooth sensitivity
  • Inflammatory diseases
  • Post-extraction period
  • Treatment errors
  • Wisdom teeth
  • Tooth trauma

What should you do if you can’t see a dentist?

A quick and effective way to alleviate acute tooth pain before seeing a doctor is to use medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics.

In emergencies, use medications that you have used before without side effects, but not for more than three days.

Should you see a dentist if the pain is temporary?

Even if the tooth pain disappears after taking medication and no longer bothers you, be sure to visit a clinic to prevent complications and determine the cause of the pain with professional equipment.

Unpleasant sensations do not occur without cause. Before visiting a dentist, avoid painkillers so that the doctor can see all the symptoms and prescribe the correct treatment.

How to prevent tooth pain?

  • Regular brushing twice a day, using dental floss, and rinsing with antiseptic solutions can help prevent cavities.
  • Professional cleaning, timely removal of tartar, and treatment of cavities.
  • Don’t endure acute tooth pain!

Before providing first aid to yourself or others, it’s crucial to identify the potential cause of the pain. This can be difficult without specialized equipment, so it’s necessary to consult a doctor, even if the tooth no longer hurts.

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